Olive Oil Has Calories Too!

Yes, olive oil is extremely healthy for you. It’s…

  • Rich in monounsaturated HEALTHY fats.

  • Protective against heart disease (lowers LDL, “bad cholesterol”)

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Anti-bacterial

  • The list goes on, and on, and on. But, did you know… 1 tablespoon = 120 calories?

Thats right, the amount that fits in the cap on top of your olive oil bottle is 120 calories.

Keep this in mind when you are working towards your weight loss goals. Even extra consumption of HEALTHY foods can add unwanted pounds due to excess calories. This is why it’s so important to work with a dietitian for all your nutrition related goals so that we can customize and individualize an approach to help you reach your goals!

Ready to work with a dietitian and reach your goals once and for all? Contact Lovecitynutrition@gmail.com
